This Sunday COS is highlighting Camp Stevens! Camp Stevens is the diocesan camp of the Diocese of Los Angeles. The Bishop Diocesan of Los Angeles is directly responsible for the camp, and the Advisory Board bylaws require board seats for clergy and laity of the Diocese of LA, as well as for those outside the church.
The camp’s mission is to inspire and empower personal, social, and environmental transformation. For over 70 years, Camp Stevens has provided a welcoming setting for retreats, summer camps, and outdoor education in the mountain town of Julian, CA. Its 256 acres serve as a place of healing, adventure, and community.
This summer, our very own Anne Thornberg will be serving as chaplain at the summer camp (Session 1: June 23 – June 28, ages 8-15). Several of our COS youth will be attending camp during Chaplain Annie’s session. We encourage you to consider enrolling your child, grandchild, niece, or nephew! Scholarships are available. Trish Healy, Church of Our Saviour’s Camp Stevens Ambassador, will be on the patio this Sunday, May 5th, to answer your questions. And you can learn more about Camp Stevens at campstevens.org.
Camp Stevens is a member of the nationwide network of 100+ summer camps, retreat centers, and conference centers affiliated with the Episcopal Church. It is accredited by the American Camp Association, which assures its programs, facilities, and policies meet a national standard for quality, health, and safety.