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Meet Your Vestry Slate 2021 (Part 2 of 2)




Carolyn “Cece” V. Horne

I am a native Californian. I was born in Los Angeles and grew up in San Marino. I attended Westridge during high school and then graduated from USC, where I studied sociology and art history. In 1972 I was married at Church of Our Saviour and settled in San Marino. I have three adult sons and four grandchildren. I was very active in San Marino public schools’ PTA, Boy Scouts, and the SM Schools Foundation when my sons were growing up. I have since been active in the Pasadena Junior League, the docents program at the Huntington Library, the Pasadena Guild of Children’s Hospital, the Pasadena Garden Club, and the Town Club, where I have held various board positions. Volunteering seems to be in my DNA.

My favorite things are my family, friendships, this church, history, art, travel, and the outdoors, where I love walking and gardening.

I started attending COS regularly after J. P. Blecksmith was killed in Fallujah. His mother was my dearest friend. I feel COS is a very unique and special place, historically and spiritually. I want it to thrive for another 150 + years. I look forward to becoming more involved and working with Father Jeff.


Paul Kilian

I was born in 1942 and grew up in Pasadena with two younger siblings, a geologist father and a journalist mother. Until college I attended Pasadena Presbyterian Church, whose ministers were active in the Civil Rights movement. During those years I developed a strong base of Christian ethics and philosophy. I did not develop a serious faith, however, until I met my future wife, Gloria, at USC and began attending Hollywood Presbyterian Church, where she was on staff as assistant organist, children’s choir director, and ultimately worship coordinator. During our forty years there I sang in the choir, served on the Session and the Executive Committee, taught classes, and chaired three all-church conferences.

Vocationally, for ten years I ran the Music Department at Boys Club of Pasadena, and then moved to Pasadena City College where I taught traditional and commercial music theory and conducted jazz ensembles and concert bands. I also served as Music Department Chair and Dean of Performing & Communication Arts, retiring in 2005. I hold a B.A. in Music from USC, an M.A. from Cal State LA, and an Ed.D. from the University of La Verne.

Gloria and I joined COS in September, 2001. Among my activities here, I have sung in the choir; taught classes and forums; been on the Hospitality Committee, a discernment committee, leadership teams for the Men’s’ Guild and the Sunday evening “Praise” Services; served several Vestry terms—one as Junior Warden; chaired the Parish Profile Committee for calling Fr. Jeff; worked on the 2009 and 2014 Strategic Plans; and currently shepherd the Council of Point Persons.

My Christian faith might best be described as that of the so-called Emerging Church, recognizing the centrality of Jesus the Christ and the importance of the Scriptures, with an openness toward Contemplative and Celtic Christianity and the Gnostic Gospels. We have two adult children: Sean—a live sound engineer, and Kathleen—a pursuit manager for Deloitte, plus five grandchildren. By and large my favorite food is hot dogs.


Meda Kim

Hello, everyone. My name is Meda Kim and I was born and raised in San Francisco. I am the youngest of six children and have an identical twin sister. My journey in becoming a Christian started when one of my grade school friends asked me to attend church services with her. I spent most of my childhood and early adulthood in Northern California. After graduating from the University of California at Davis with a Nutrition Science degree, I relocated to Southern California to earn my master’s degree in public health.

I met my husband, a Southern California native, through a mutual friend from church, and we have been blessed with 22 years of marriage and a beautiful family . . . our son Brendan, who is 18 years old and currently a freshman at the University of Southern California, and our daughter Allyson who is 13 years old and a happy 8th grader at Jefferson Middle School. My husband works as a senior graphic designer for a large gaming company, and I currently work for Anthem Blue Cross as a Health Promotion Consultant, providing wellness services to the employees at Northrop Grumman in Southern and Northern California.

We previously attended a Korean American church in Los Angeles and were introduced to Church of Our Savior when we decided to enroll our daughter in A Child’s Garden School and our son in the church choir. We met so many wonderful families and church members that we decided to attend church services at COS. COS has been our home church for over 10 years now, and we continue to feel God’s grace and blessings every day. COS has provided so many beautiful opportunities for my family, including hosting my daughter’s Girl Scout troop, where she and the girls have volunteered and donated homeless packets and food to Our Savior Center. And my son Brendan, who also wanted to give back to the COS family, decided to do his Eagle Scout project at Our Savior Center, where he re-landscaped and improved the gardens to provide a beautiful space for families waiting in line for the food pantry.

My family and I look forward to continuing our time with the COS community.


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