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Better Together 2025: What is Stewardship?

One of the most meaningful and generous things you can do for your parish is to make a pledge. But what exactly is a pledge? And how are pledges connected to church stewardship?

A vital part of our church's budget, a pledge is a financial commitment made to support the church's mission and ministries. Pledges are a way to express faith and respond to God's generosity, a way to contribute to the operations of the church. Pledges are used for fellowship activities, outreach and community work, staffing and administration, and the maintenance and upkeep of buildings and grounds. Like the life of Jesus, stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given goals.

When church members faithfully contribute their resources to support their parish, they are also investing in their own spiritual growth and discipleship. Within this generosity, they see the impact of their contributions not only on the grounds or church buildings but also in others within the church community. Rooted in faith and selflessness, stewardship involves a willingness to sacrificially give back to God. Good stewardship is at the heart of good discipleship.

And God never stops giving.

Stewardship is about taking care of something we value and enabling it to grow. Through prayer and discernment, we are called to give generously and give often, and to manage God's resources with wisdom and integrity. Stewardship is also a lifestyle of spirituality and grace that reflects who we are and what we believe. It involves considerable gratitude for having these abundant blessings, and it goes beyond the mere sharing of resources; stewardship is asking us to share of ourselves. Sharing of not just our pocketbooks but of our time, our abilities, our ministry, and our relationships. These gifts are meant to be generously shared and not hoarded. You see, stewardship is comprehensive.

To put it simply, stewardship is receiving, developing, sharing, and returning God’s gifts. It is using all of our God-given resources to accomplish God’s purpose and desires here on earth.

Questions? Please call me at ext. 18 or email me at


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