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Save the Date: Sunday, June 5th - SCHOOL'S OUT SUNDAY

Gabe Vazquez-Reyes

Our yearly tradition of celebrating the end of the school year along with all our Students, Families, and Educators will take place on Sunday, June 5th, with a fun celebration outside on the patio after the 10 am church service!

This year we will be once again sending our graduating seniors off with words of wisdom, blessings, and a few goodies as they transition into the next phase of their lives. We also want to recognize our students who are further down the road in their educational careers — and celebrate those who have completed degrees or other training. We also can’t forget our younger students transitioning into elementary school or middle school or high school. And of course, all of the parents and family who have supported these students.

We want to recognize all the wonderful teachers and educators we have in our midst and the impact they have on our students’ lives as they journey through their schooling.

With so many people to celebrate, this is going to be an amazing Sunday, with a fun festival outside and popcorn, cotton candy and even a bouncy house! Those with master’s degrees or above can take a turn first!

Here is how you can join the fun –

Write a note to our graduating seniors -

Drop them off before June 5th – there will be a basket right outside the main office (Monday – Saturday) and at the Greeter’s Table on Sundays!

We have six students graduating from high school this year: Tori Cooper, Aiden Correnti, Ava Rose Leos, Samuel Liu. Yanni Liu, and Simone Origel.

Are YOU celebrating an educational milestone? We want to celebrate you!

Did you get into a new school? Are you a retiring educator? Did you just complete some training or a degree? Let us know! We would love to hear about it and celebrate you! Email us at – Questions? Ask Gabe –


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